
Explore Our Library of K-8 Science Lessons

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Teacher & Parent Resources

We encourage you to explore each Adventure in an order that works best for your learning objectives.

However, we did create some resources to help guide you. Click the link below to access...

~Complete Lesson Plan

~Teacher's Guides


Checklists are broken down by recommended grade level and organized in the order we recommend completing the Adventures. A blank checklist is also provided in case you'd like to create your own lesson plan!

*Please note: These checklists are suggestions. We highly encourage you to complete the Adventures in a way that best suits your learning objectives.

Teacher & Parent Resources

Animal Classifications

Explore What Makes Each Animal Group Unique

NGSS: K-LS1-1, 3-LS1-1, 4-LS1-1


Discover How Plants & Animals Survive in Different Ecosystems

NGSS: 2-LS4-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-LS4-3

Traits & Adaptations

Explore How Plants & Animals Adapt for Survival

NGSS: K-LS1-1, 3-LS4-2, 4-LS1-1

Animal Behavior

Discover How Animals Impact Each Other & Their Ecosystems

Plants & the Environment

Explore the Factors that Keep Nature Balanced


Explore the Threats our Planet is Facing & How You Can Make a Difference


Explore Amazing Facts About Some of Your Favorite Animals!

NGSS: 3-LS3-1, 4-LS1-1

See What Parents Are Saying!

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"I like how much information is in each unit. It has been a wonderful supplement for our study of vertebrates and invertebrates, and I'm sure will continue to be useful for other topics. I appreciate that the presentation is interesting but does not rely on excessive graphics and video game-style activities. It works well for ADHD kids and/or kids with sensory issues, without being overwhelming or causing screen addiction.

I also appreciate that there is an option for online or printables for the activities. I feel like I can trust the site and the presenter to provide accurate, thorough information. I don't feel like that about every site we've tried! I like that there are resources for additional information easily at hand, should a particular topic catch our attention."


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"My learner has now completed all the Adventures TWICE. She loves testing her knowledge. She said, "It really gets me jumping!" Her second favorite section is Conservation Corner, and if I let her, she could easily spend hours on the links you share here."


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"This website is a hit! My daughter sat there listening to your videos and was excited to tell me which fun fact she learned about. It sparked her interest in learning more about a specific animal or habitat. My kindergartener also watched a video and I really appreciated that it wasn't very long. He was able to sit through a video and remain interested!"


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"I think this is a great resource for families, especially homeschoolers that learn through passion/interest."


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